Улан-Батор, Монголия
70000 $
30 дней

This is a unique trek only ever done in history by a small amount of people. This trek crosses over 1000 miles of Mongolian mountains and the Gobi Desert on foot.  It takes up to 60 days to complete. The last group did the crossing in 51 days.

This is a trek for the adventure seeking individual who has done some previous treks and is looking for something more challenging and testing.

This is not a trek to be taken lightly and every individual or group wanting to do this will have to have a conversation with the trek leader prior to being accepted on the trek.

The weather can be extremely challenging ranging from extreme heat to sand storms and wind that will knock you over and keep us on the ground for hours or days.

If you are looking for a challeng in a unique environment thi is it!


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